Friday, February 19, 2016

Narrative Assessment - iExperience - 16 Feb 2016

Learner: Tiya                 Learning Coach: Miriam Kamsteeg         Date: 16 Feb 2016
Learning Area: iExperience - Science - Living World
Learning Observed
Today in iExperience we were learning about the Frog life cycle. We watched a movie showing the eggs being laid, then turning into tadpoles, then turning into frogs, then the adult frogs laying eggs again. Once the movie was finished the Learners demonstrated their understanding of the life cycle by cutting out pictures of eggs, a tadpole, a frog and arrows and arranging them on their page. We also discussed how there are tadpoles in LH4 and that these came from eggs and would turn into frogs.
Evidence of learning
Tiya demonstrated her understanding by arranging the parts in the circle shape.
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya showed her Capabilities by creating the Life Cycle. She was able to complete the task without any Learning Coach guidance (Managing Self). Tiya used the arrows to complete her diagram (Using Language, Symbols and Texts). She demonstrated her understanding of the life cycle in the positions of the different aspects of the life cycle (Thinking).
Next Learning Steps
  • Visit LH4 each week to see the progress with their tadpoles.
  • Investigate are there any other animals that have a similar life cycle?
  • Share learning with home.

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