Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Maths Narrative Assessment

Learner: Tiya                Learning Coach: Talia Morgan        Date: 16th August 2016
Learning Area: iDevelop - Maths
Learning Observed
Tiya was learning her number bonds. She was answering questions when asked by the LC and came up to write an equation on the board and then illustrate it on a tens frame for her maths group. Tiya then went on to complete all the equations for number bonds to 5 and then number bonds to 10, as well as start to illustrate the equations on tens frames in her maths book.
Evidence of learning
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya is developing her Capabilities in Mathematics. She was able to help the Learning Coach to work out what variety of two numbers could be added together to make 5 and illustrated it on a tens frame, then going onto repeat this with number bonds to 10 (Using language, symbols and text). Tiya was independently recording the equations and tens frames illustrations in her maths book, staying focused and undistracted (Managing Self). Tiya was actively participating in the lesson and was helping the LC and her peers to answer the equations (Participating and Contributing). She went on to support her peers who were finding it a bit more difficult, by showing them how to do it (Relating to Others).
Next Learning Steps
  • Practice number bonds to 5 and number bonds to 10.
  • Start learning doubles to 10.
  • Continue to actively participate in learning.
  • Share learning with home.

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