Thursday, October 27, 2016

Get Set Go Narrative Assessment

Learner: Tiya              Learning Coach: T Morgan                Date: 27th October 2016
Learning Area: iExperience - Physical Education/Health
Learning Observed
Today we had Get Set Go, a sports programme, come to our school. Coach Cameron taught us a whole lot of new games like walk the plank - where we had to walk along the lines on the court and there were two pirates with noodle swords who would tag us, and red light-green light- where different colours meant we had to do different things to try and make our way to the end of the court. It was so much fun!
Evidence of learning
Get Set Go Movie

We are learning to move and balance in all different ways. Watch me play red light-green light!
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
I am developing my Capabilities in Physical Education. I was able remember and tell Coach Cameron what the 3 rules were 1) when Coach Cameron is talking, we are listening, 2) when the whistle blows we freeze, and 3) we must have fun! (Managing Self). I took turns at being the “police officer” that checked for people who were moving when they should be frozen, offering my second turn to someone who hadn’t already had a turn (Relating to Others). I had fun learning all the games Coach Cameron taught us and especially playing them (Participating and Contributing).
Next Learning Steps
  • Always have my hat at school to wear for iBreaks and Get Set Go.
  • Play the game with your peers
  • Think of one way we could change this game (maybe one colour we could add with an action).

Monday, September 19, 2016

Collaboration Narrative Assessment

Learner: Tiya                Learning Coach: Talia Morgan        Date: 19th September 2016
Learning Area: iDevelop - Oral / Writing
Learning Observed
Tiya was the writer in today’s running dictation activity. She had to write the passage she was told by her partner, who had to run to the end of the hall to read the passage. Tiya could only hear orally what she had to write and it all had to be correct. Tiya’s partner was very supportive and together they problem-solved to find ways to help one another complete the activity calmly. Tiya was listening carefully to her partner and was trying really hard.
Evidence of learning

Tiya is being a collaborative learner. Look how she works with her peer.
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya is developing her Capabilities in Oral language, writing and collaborating with her peers. She was able to write the passage,  as she was told it by her partner. She collaborated with her peer when she was unsure how to write it, and together they found ways to get it done (Relating to Others, and Using language, symbols and text). Tiya and her partner problem-solved to find other ways around supporting one another to get a clear message across and write the correct passage, without her partner touching the pen (Participating and Contributing, and Managing Self).
Next Learning Steps
  • Write about this experience and what it was like for her
  • Share learning with home

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Walking on stilts Narrative Assessment

Learner: Tiya                    Learning Coach: Talia Morgan        Date: 23/08/2016
Learning Area: iExperience
Learning Observed
Today at the Howick Historical Village the learners were offered the opportunity to try out games from the 19th Century, Victorian times. Some of these games, although old, were completely new to the learners. Tiya was brave enough to have a go at walking on the wooden stilts. She was a little nervous at first but quickly got the hang of it and was soon zooming around the courtyard. Tiya even gave the big stilts and some other games a go, all with a positive attitude!
Evidence of learning

Look at Tiya develop her Capabilities on the wooden stilts! Just one of the many games Tiya tried.
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya is developing both her Capabilities and Curiosities in iExperience - games. She was willing to give all games a go, no matter how difficult they appeared or how unsure of them she was (Participating and Contributing). Tiya was sharing all of the materials provided for the activities with her peers and was encouraging them all to give things a go (Relating to Others). She was curious about all the things their were to explore and asked lots of questions, yet was able to be a capable and responsible learner (Managing Self).
Next Learning Steps
  • Write a story about what she experienced at the Howick Historical Village
  • Create her own game for an iExplore at school
  • Share learning with home

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Maths Narrative Assessment

Learner: Tiya                Learning Coach: Talia Morgan        Date: 16th August 2016
Learning Area: iDevelop - Maths
Learning Observed
Tiya was learning her number bonds. She was answering questions when asked by the LC and came up to write an equation on the board and then illustrate it on a tens frame for her maths group. Tiya then went on to complete all the equations for number bonds to 5 and then number bonds to 10, as well as start to illustrate the equations on tens frames in her maths book.
Evidence of learning
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya is developing her Capabilities in Mathematics. She was able to help the Learning Coach to work out what variety of two numbers could be added together to make 5 and illustrated it on a tens frame, then going onto repeat this with number bonds to 10 (Using language, symbols and text). Tiya was independently recording the equations and tens frames illustrations in her maths book, staying focused and undistracted (Managing Self). Tiya was actively participating in the lesson and was helping the LC and her peers to answer the equations (Participating and Contributing). She went on to support her peers who were finding it a bit more difficult, by showing them how to do it (Relating to Others).
Next Learning Steps
  • Practice number bonds to 5 and number bonds to 10.
  • Start learning doubles to 10.
  • Continue to actively participate in learning.
  • Share learning with home.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Learner: Tiya                Learning Coach: Talia Morgan        Date: 4th August 2016
Learning Area: iActive - Jump Jam
Learning Observed
Tiya was actively participating in Jump Jam today. She was dancing away to the music with her peers, keeping in time with the music and following along with the guide’s moves. Tiya appeared to be enjoying herself with a big smile and commenting on how much fun she had afterwards.
Evidence of learning
Tiya is showing us how to be Active! Can she show us how she gets active at home?
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya is developing her Capabilities in Jump Jam. She was willingly participating and getting involved in Jump Jam, right up the front dancing away to the music with her peers (Participating and Contributing). Tiya was eager to find out what song we would dance to next, however never put her hand up to choose a song as she was happy with any song that was chosen (Managing Self).
Next Learning Steps
  • Continue to give lot’s of energy to Jump Jam
  • Give this energy to all other area’s of iActive
  • Share learning with

Friday, February 19, 2016

Narrative Assessment - iExperience - 16 Feb 2016

Learner: Tiya                 Learning Coach: Miriam Kamsteeg         Date: 16 Feb 2016
Learning Area: iExperience - Science - Living World
Learning Observed
Today in iExperience we were learning about the Frog life cycle. We watched a movie showing the eggs being laid, then turning into tadpoles, then turning into frogs, then the adult frogs laying eggs again. Once the movie was finished the Learners demonstrated their understanding of the life cycle by cutting out pictures of eggs, a tadpole, a frog and arrows and arranging them on their page. We also discussed how there are tadpoles in LH4 and that these came from eggs and would turn into frogs.
Evidence of learning
Tiya demonstrated her understanding by arranging the parts in the circle shape.
Key Competencies/Vision Principles
Tiya showed her Capabilities by creating the Life Cycle. She was able to complete the task without any Learning Coach guidance (Managing Self). Tiya used the arrows to complete her diagram (Using Language, Symbols and Texts). She demonstrated her understanding of the life cycle in the positions of the different aspects of the life cycle (Thinking).
Next Learning Steps
  • Visit LH4 each week to see the progress with their tadpoles.
  • Investigate are there any other animals that have a similar life cycle?
  • Share learning with home.